Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thank you's

There are a lot of people to thank for helping to make this trip possible. From logistics, to supplies, to emotional support, I can hardly say thank you enough. To the people that had a very large hand in making sure I made it to Tanzania to work with little children like the cutie pictured above, thank you. You would not let me plan this trip alone, so I will carry you with me as I travel.

Thank you (in no particular order...except for Mom & Dad--you're the best!):

Mom & Dad- for letting me spread my wings

Aunt Janet & Uncle Bob- for providing me with tons of advice on Africa, health care, and encouraging me to stick with it!... not to mention the Skittles that will be my "birthday cake" in November

Duke School of Nursing professors, staff, Hase family, & NAPNAP- for organizing, arranging, and funding my time in Tanzania

Richard- for errand running, mentally preparing, and supporting me through all of the nerves. Our cultural immersion exercise: watching The Lion King while eating Cinnabons.

Emily & Audrey- for sending up prayers on repeat, sifting through the questions and planning with me, stocking me up with some great stuff that I'll need, and being great friends who understand the chaos of it all because you're living it too.

Sweet cousin Katherine- for awesome skirts, a one-a-day letter that will make me cry once-a-day while I'm there, and being my personal cheerleader.

Townie friends near and far- for wonderful emails, phone calls, and letters wishing me well and giving me some great advice on how to survive the culture shock. I have had notes and phone calls from Hawaii to Miami, Washington D.C. to Washington state, and everywhere in between. Thanks to all the townies that came out to The Station last night to say good-bye!

The road is calling, now I've got to go. ~Matt Costa

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