Sunday, October 24, 2010

Packing List

My flight for Tanzania leaves in about 10 hours. I'm still running around doing last minute tasks-- among those is updating all of my wonderful family and friends.

I'll share a secret with you... I have no expectations. I do not know what is ahead of me in the coming weeks and that has definitely been a source of stress for me. I am someone that likes to know what lies on the horizon. Even if the plan is to sleep in a puddle of mud, I would like to know so that I can mentally prepare myself for soggy underpants, dirt in my ears, and grit in my teeth. That has certainly been a barrier in getting myself in the mindset to go.

I plan on taking the VERY LONG plane ride tomorrow (upwards of 24 hours travel time) to prepare my heart, learn Swahili, and educate myself on the WHO (World Health Organization) standards on international medicine... Honestly, I think preparing my heart is the hardest task of those.

It's hard to pack light when you're spending several months in Africa. I'm making it out with one suitcase, my backpack, and a purse. I plan on leaving a lot of things in Moshi so hopefully my load will be much lighter coming home. Here are some of the contents of my bag:
-2 pairs of scrubs and a lab coat
-bare essentials of medical supplies
-the OTC pharmacy
-2 giant bags of Skittles and beef jerky (in separate bags of course)
-4 pairs of shoes (I'm such an American woman)
-7 pairs of underwear (Sorry Katherine, I'm not being as hard core)
-bananagrams, pack of cards, ipod
-2 guide books, 1 pocket Swahili guide, 3 novels, Harriet Lane, 2 WHO journals
-stethoscope, otoscope, ophthalmascope
-1000 stickers, 8 packs of bubbles, 1 glitter ball
-Carolina t-shirts (gotta represent!), a Duke Children's t-shirt

1 comment:

  1. Since you're taking bananagrams, I will forgive you for the 7 pairs of underwear. I love you! Glad you made it!
