Sunday, July 24, 2011

Things I love about my job

- wearing scrubs and keeping my "real life clothes" for more exciting social occasions
- rocking my kicks instead of uncomfortable dressy shoes
- seeing healthy children with acute illnesses
- having the support of my attendings and colleagues who love to teach
- working in a place where they believe in the power and knowledge of nurse practitioners
- being a part of an academic institution that encourages research
- getting everyone who walks in the door, whether wealthy or on medicaid, and being able to treat them regardless of socioeconomic status
- working with other people who love children and are light-hearted and fun
- the other NP's
- the schedule (after 8.5 hours, i get to go home and have a LIFE)
- the free food that comes with being a provider
- hearing thank you from distraught parents
- shaking my head at the ridiculous things that children do

In some ways I can begin to understand why people become workaholics. Because if you love your job this much, then being there seems like you're just hanging out with your friends.

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