Thursday, June 9, 2011

You can take the girl out of Carolina

But you can never take the Carolina out of the girl

This week was one of the hardest weeks of my life. I don't think most people understand what it was like for me to leave Chapel Hill. So much of who I am and my identity is based on this place. I heard lots of, "Finally, it's about time you left," and that honestly upset me. If the people that said that to me had half as much fun as I did, invested even a portion of what I have into their community, and built the relationships that I had with friends and family, they would understand that it's like losing a piece of yourself. I loved my life in Chapel Hill. I was immensely happy, but the job situation for me was better elsewhere and so it was time to go and try something new.

I keep forgetting that I have moved. I left the Target yesterday and was totally confused that I wasn't in Durham. It took a moment to get my bearings and then I drove myself home to a sparsely inhabited apartment. A blowup mattress on the floor is the only furniture I have and the rest of my belongings are scattered among the wreckage of packing materials, eagerly awaiting my Dad's visit in a week.

I go through each day with a vague plan. Yesterday it was go to Target and open a bank account and meet your co-workers (who are great!). Today it was get internet and groceries. Tomorrow I will look for furniture. I have to remind myself that they didn't build Rome in a day because I keep expecting things to be easy and to fall into place. They will, but it will take time.

For right now, I take it one day at a time. I miss my home, but I look forward to phone calls, emails, and eventually visitors. I may be in Kentucky but...

In my mind I'm gone to Carolina.

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