Sunday, June 26, 2011

On living alone

I'm a big girl now. I get up for work by myself. I get ready and eat my breakfast at the kitchen table while reading whatever article or study section then head for work. When I get home I shower/change into clean clothes and make something to eat. It's a rarity that I make a fancy meal because, hey, it's just me and I'm not trying to impress me. I do whatever reading I need to get done then watch a bit of hulu or skype or chat with friends/family who I wish were closer. I climb into bed and turn off the light while the hum of my fan puts me to sleep.

I'm not a person who typically seeks solitude. Some people need that "alone time", but I have never really been one of those people. I'm not one of those people that talks to themselves to break the silence. I seek company, friendship, and sharing. So getting used to living alone has been an adjustment.

... But for now I think I'm doing a good job. In some ways I'm better at taking care of myself. I started flossing (which I have never done with any regularity) and feel like my dental hygiene is really exceptional. Haha! Sometimes I'll even paint my fingernails! I'm still running several times a week and eating well. I've got house projects that I'm working on and there is still a lot of studying to do every day.

And there are ways that I break up the silence. I have my old Carolina laptop set up in the kitchen to play music while I'm domesticating. I skype with my family and friends a couple of times a week. And since the grocery/drug store is only 1/4 mile from my house, I will only walk/bike to the store (which means I have to go more often but enjoy the trip a couple of times a week). I can get caught up in the trap of being stuck inside myself and I have to kick myself in the tail and push myself out the door. When I do I'm always pleasantly surprised at finding something new in the quaint little neighborhood that I live in (like a climbing partner at the local outdoor shop!).

I'm looking for any and all advice on how to stay well-rounded as a single girl in a new town living alone. When I look back on times of my life when I was alone, I reflect on those times as my strongest, most independent moments and realize the character growth that I underwent as a result of those challenges. I know that it may take upwards of a year to feel like I've got a place in this town and to feel like I really fit in, but I know it will come because I'm not the kind of girl who will sit back and watch the world pass her by... I'm a carpe diem kinda girl.


  1. you are very brave. :)
    one day, you will look back on this time in your life and think about how proud you are of yourself and how awesome you are. you go, girl!

  2. Meetup . com
    Best. Invention. Ever. For a person in a new town.
