Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy First Blogiversary Local Townie!

Today is the one year birthday of my blog!

Wow, it's been quite a year! Travels across the United States, living in Africa for a semester, graduating from graduate school, searching for a new job... it's all been a lot to take in. But I certainly couldn't have done it without a little help and some laughs with good friends along the way...

Good people from D.C.

The Duke PNP's

Dana my Tanzanian BFF

The girls of the Purple Palace: Mac & Caroline

Katherine & baby Ellis Ann

Kelly G. Love


The Townie Crew

Meg, of Meg & Bex

Blogging has been something that I truly enjoy. For a girl that was used to looking for the next big adventure, keeping up the blog has been a way for me to take more time to enjoy my life instead always anticipating "What's next?!" I look at every experience as a chance to remember it and share it with a community of future townies, whereas my previous self would blow by without looking back.

So thank you to all of my readers-- you have kept me from wasting my cute years on being too busy to stop and smell the roses. This is the time of my life when I am the most free, with the most opportunity and the least commitment, while still being the more fabulous than I had ever dreamed of being... and now it's blogged so I can remember it!

Here's to the first of many more blogiversaries! Love.

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