Friday, October 15, 2010

Carolina basketball: Fresh Start

Dear Roy,
I know your new season begins today and I'm really excited for you. It's been a tough year for us both, what with the unforeseen flop that was last season and my attending Dook, but I'm optimistic this year. I don't even mind that you sent Will Graves packin'. He probably deserved it. Fool Roy once and you're benched, but fool him twice and you're off the team.

I'd like to go ahead and put in my request for a baller season. I'd like to see less of this:
And this:
And a lot more of this:

I'd even settle for some of this:
I really appreciate the effort. And so does my friend Barack.
Stay classy.
Love, becky

1 comment:

  1. We're up for a decent opponent this year - bring it on! I miss you tons. Can't wait to see you at seminar!
