Monday, October 4, 2010

Baby Lile rhymes with smile

A little background: My cousin Katherine is pregnant with her first baby and they're keeping the gender a surprise. Without knowing whether it's a boy or girl it's hard to refer to "it" as anything but "it". So it seemed only fitting that when I showed the Liles how to swaddle their new baby using a stuffed animal Gonzo (from the muppets)... and the baby received its first nickname.
Katherine's boss & dear friend, Chantry, threw her a baby shower in Blacksburg, Va last weekend and I happily attended as the Carson representative. My Aunt Janet & Jesse's mom were also there-- complete with night time nuzzles, banana grams, and lots of food.

Up in the hills of Virginia, Katherine's closest friends and family gathered to impart wishes, wisdom, and wipes (baby wipes that is!) to the new mom and dad. I think my favorite part was the Prayer Tree that Chantry made. She wrote her prayers for Katherine on little cards and placed them on the tree so that each guest could take one and be praying for Katherine, Jesse, and baby Gonzo. I took two.

This baby will have 25% Carson genes-- hopefully the best ones! While our relationship is technically second-cousin-once-removed or something ridiculous like that, we decided that it would be more fitting to call me Aunt b.

I was so excited to get to see a very pregnant Katherine since we have grown up together and this is a very far stretch from the events of our past (read: Kitty cat nightgowns, thrifting, sun bathing in Barcelona). It seemed like she was sad to say good-bye and send me off to Africa but I reminded her, "I won't be gone that long. Think about it. You'll be pregnant when I leave and you'll still be pregnant when I get back."

Can't wait to meet baby Gonzo!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, dear sweet becky. How I love you! And I miss you already! Thanks for the post - I love the pictures! PS. Baby Gonzo sends its kicks and punches your way.
