Sunday, August 1, 2010

Finals week: [insert procrastination here]

When I should be studying, I'd rather be doing hundreds of other things. Here's my superlative lists for your own procrastinating enjoyment:

Top places to study:
1. 5th floor Davis library (ah my love from undergrad... went back last week and had the most productive day ever! Bulk candy, hearing the bell tower chime, and a view of the Pit)
2. Looking Glass Cafe- great tables, good coffee, and they sell cereal by the bowl. Genius.
3. Open Eye Cafe- for when you don't actually want to study and would rather people watch the hipsters.
4. Weaver St. Market- one of the only places where the wireless extends outside
5. Caribou Coffee- because Starbucks charges you for wireless and I think that's ludicrous since I just spent $2.50 on a "tall" cup of coffee.
6. Bean Trader's- A great place to meet my Duke classmates halfway between Durham and Chapel Hill.
7. The UL- although not much studying goes on there

Top online dawdling:
1. postsecret
2. any combination of online shopping: old navy, zappos,
3. craigslist missed connections
4. reading the blogs of my friends who are also putting off their work
5. I try to avoid facebook because there is way too much unproductive procrastination that happens there (read: Farmville. ew.)
6. The Daily Tar Heel- not regular during the summer though
7. Looking for my next job- any leads?!?!
8. tv shows that I don't have time to watch during the week: Glee, Bachelor, Jersey Shore... you know, the smart, classy shows.
9. searching flights for any of the fantasy trips I would love to take
10. catching up on my not-so-secret love of music videos

The Staple Attire for a "study bum" day:
-shorts/pants with an elastic waistband
-giant men's dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up
-glasses (can't bother with looking cute)
-ponytail (that becomes a side pony by the end of the day and that's how you know it's been a rough one)
-shoes & socks optional

When I finally get my work done and finish up for the semester (my last semester of class!!!) then I'm jet setting for a couple of weeks before coming back to start my residency.
Things to look forward to hearing about:
-Bradley's graduation: Atlanta, Ga.
-Tekoa camp nurse: Hendersonville, NC
-trying to impress total strangers: Birmingham, Al.

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