Sunday, April 11, 2010


Alright friends, I finally did it! I started my very own blog. I've been wanting to do this for a while but procrastinated because I couldn't think of a witty name. I think I've captured the essence of what I was trying to convey with my blog name.
Home is where my heels are... I'm a very rare breed of Chapel Hillians that still rocks out The Thrill with vague plans to ever escape the bubble. I currently live in a precious purple house in Carrboro and we took our Christmas lights down this weekend (um, April anyone) only to put them on the back porch instead. Why would anyone want to live in a place where you couldn't have chickens as pets, ride your bicycle to the bar, or hula hoop on the lawn without getting reported by the neighbors?
Despite my current enrollment at a small private school about 8 miles from Chapel Hill, my allegiance remains unwavering, my gag reflex is intact, and I thankfully have a cousin to share in our disdain of Dook. In Bert's infamous words, "The best part of going to Duke is that it's so close to Chapel Hill."
For all those friends and fam that I don't have the pleasure of seeing on a daily basis (or for those friends whose cubicles haunt their sanity) I plan to pull from my blogosphere savvy besties and make this a blog worth reading-- taking a few regular posts from them while still spilling some of my personal life and keeping you up to date on the generally ridiculous nature of my life.
Get ready for this bumpy ride!

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