Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A hard day In Haiti

We had two children die today.

It's a lot to process because these children were fairly stable and would not have been in the ICU in the United States. The most recent death was after a 45 minute resuscitation. But I can say that our team worked like a well- oiled machine. I always have a pit in my stomach afterwards like I could have done better. I suppose that's not a bad thing. The cross cultural differences really impact the care as much as the lack of resources and it's not easy to get used to.

This morning's clinic had a dichotomous group of patients. They were either really sick or totally fine. Some kids would come in complaining of cough for 3 days and when I told the parents they were fine, it's a cold, and this would go away in a few days, they didn't believe me and wanted medicine. Really? It felt like the US where I write a prescription for saline drops.  The other half was a baby with a moderate congenital heart defect and a 10 month microcephalic baby with hypotonia. There is no in between.

Tomorrow is a new day. I will get rest and start the morning with rejuvenated energy.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Byenvini à Haiti

I thought I was in Tanzania until I heard the beautiful Haitian Creole. There are so many similarities between Haiti and East Africa that I feel right at home here. The smell of burning wood and trash is actually a comforting, sweet smell bursting with lots of memories. The locals live similarly with street side vendors, carrying 20 gallon buckets of water on their head, and aweing at the "blancs" (white people) as we walk by. The most welcome difference is that I can speak with the people! Finally my 7 years of French is coming in handy! I even made a care plan for my patient with the nurse tonight en français.

The houses are made of cinder block and tin roofs. It's easy to imagine how devastating an earthquake could be when four simple walls are constructed right on a flat piece of dirt. I'm told by my colleagues that life is actually improving from their earlier trips as the roads are paved, there are lots of baby goats, and power lines line the main roads. 

Life is simpler here and being out of my "comfort zone" makes my heart happy. I put quotations around "comfort zone" because it implies that it's uncomfortable for me to rough it in a third world country. Quite the contrary. Those who know some of my crunchier tendencies or have traveled abroad with me can vouch for the laid back nature of my life. What really makes my heart well with tingly bubbles is realizing how blessed I am, getting both feet back on the ground with my fellow humans, and embracing a completely different way of life. 

Life at L'Hopital Sacre Coeur (HSC) has been pretty easy thus far. We have been rounding on the patients with the Haitian doctor and we admitted a little girl to the OR with a tib/fib fracture tonight. We even took the afternoon to enjoy a local beach. Tomorrow we start clinic and I'm afraid I will eat my words about how Island Time has made our stay so pleasant. 

Remind me to talk about:
-the children, particularly nutrition and kwashiorkor. 
-resource limited medicine with the world's greatest resource
-the team
-the food

Friday, March 21, 2014

Packing List

Headed out the door.  But real quick, here's what I'm bringing for 10 days in Haiti:
- 4 shirts (scrubs are provided by the hospital)
- 2 shorts
- 1 dress
- lots o' undergarments (I have learned my sweaty lesson)
- giant bag of Skittles
- a dozen granola bars
- 2 pairs of shoes: chacos and Saucony's
- IV start supplies
- liquid multivitamins
- gloves
- alcohol
- needles for meds/syringes
- 1000 stickers
- Harriet Lane

I was surprised to find all of my belongings packed quite easily into my suitcase and backpack.  I knew I was low maintenance, but this impressed even me.  

Off for the airport!  Check back in or follow me on Instagram.

Monday, March 17, 2014


It's been a while...  Since I traveled to a country where I didn't speak the language.  Since I've ridden in the back of a truck and had pit stops that included bushes.  Since I ate fresh tropical fruit straight from the farm.  Since I cared for a child born into an impoverished life without the means of caring for themselves.

I need this...  The adventure of diving into a new culture.  The ruggedness of a third world country.  The sacrifice of my gifts and service.  The humanity of caring for a stranger's child.  It's been a rough winter and I really need this to get my feet back on the ground and remind myself of my driving passions.

As I prepare to depart for a medical mission trip to Haiti, I decided to bring back Local Townie because it was one of the most redeeming experiences of my time in Tanzania.  Live blogging the daily routines, struggles, and experiences helped my memory remain sharp, yet realistic.

I'll be spending about 9 days working at CRUDEM'S L'Hôpital Sacré Coeur in Milot, Haiti (a short drive south of Cap Hatien) with a group of colleagues through Children's National and various other children's hospitals in the US.  I'm the only pediatric nurse practitioner from our group and I'll be running the outpatient clinic as well as taking call on the wards at night.  Despite my experience with international medicine in East Africa, the stakes are so much higher in this game, and I feel the burden of being the sole provider with immense responsibility.  Being a student in an exotic setting carries far easier responsibilities than managing resource-limited medicine independently.  The opportunity alone is humbling yet exciting.

Finally, my 7 years of French will pay off, although discussing infectious diseases and antibiotics was not something that we practiced.  I'm hoping to pick up the Haitian Creole pleasantries to give myself some street cred.

Bonjou! M rele Becky.  Mwen se enfimye amerikenn.

My hope is that I can be somewhat connected and can document the experience through shoddy wireless internet, so I invite you to check back for updates.

Na we pita!