Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Finally, spring!

Though not the coldest of winters, spring sure took its sweet time in arriving in DC.  At long last, yesterday my toes peeked out from their blustery winter in boots and made their way into sandals.  I enjoyed the 80 degree day with one of my best friends as we walked around the Tidal Basin to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom.

It seems like an exaggeration, but the cherry blossoms are so beautiful, especially on the Roosevelt Memorial side of the basin.  They look like snow covering the trees and the falling pedals are nothing short of romantic.  It was an even more surreal moment to realize that I live here when I see thousands of tourists coming from all over the world to see my historic city.

My day's walk took me 8 miles through my neighborhood, the Mall, Dupont, and finished at the White House for an evening stroll with Lulu Bear.  The arrival of spring marks my fourth season in DC.  I can tell that I have adjusted quite well to city life, but I have stayed true to my North Carolina roots too.  

I love the warm weather seasons, but there is nothing like that first day of wearing shorts, feeling the warmth of sunshine on your pale winter skin, and realizing that you don't have to go back to winter for 7 months.  Ah, spring!

Monday, April 1, 2013

What Every City Girl Needs

Living in DC has been quite an adjustment from my local small town life.  More cars, more buildings, more sirens, more going on at every hour of the day (I think that's why the LT blog has been so scarce).  But living in the city is totally manageable, actually quite fun in fact, if you know the tricks of the trade.  I will dispense this advice now:

1. Most importantly, get a group of girlfriends.  I call my girls "the bridesmaids" because we were all in the wedding party of one of my dear friends who lived in Chapel Hill and DC.  Good city girlfriends should:
-Be able to go out or stay in and have a fantastic time.
-Tell it like they see it, even when it's not pretty.
-Give advice on what [not] to wear.
-Call you when they're randomly 5 minutes away from your house so you can go ahead and put the wine in the freezer.

2. Get a warm coat.  The best investment I made in 2012 was a Lands End down parka.  The website said it was most comfortable between 0 and -30 degrees Celsius.  Sold.

3. Wear comfortable shoes.  Not those jenky Target shoes that make the balls of your feet burn or give you blisters on your heels.  Spend some cash on a cute pair of boots that will last several seasons.  When you're walking five blocks and spending the evening on your feet, the last thing you want to think about is when you're going to see a chair again.  

4. Have a cute dog.  Preferably a dog that flirts.  Lulu is an equal opportunity socializer and makes friends anywhere she goes.  I'm looking forward to front porch season when we will spend our days on the patio.

5. Have neighborhood digs.  A coffee shop, a bar, a sandwich place, a gas station where people know your name (or at least your face).  The neighborhoods are what keep the city feeling small.  

6. Keep the air mattress ready. Once you get settled into your fantastic city life, everyone is going to want to visit.  I'm really looking forward to the Girls' Weekend coming up in April.