Sunday, December 23, 2012

A White House Christmas

Each year, the holidays remind us of the many blessings we experience over the course of our lives, from the simple pleasures of laughing and sharing our meals with friends and family to the fulfillment that comes from giving back and serving others.  May we all carry forth the spirit of the season and time time to lift up others in our homes and communities-- not only during this special time, but also throughout the year.
-Barack and Michelle Obama

Friday, December 21, 2012


 There's still time to catch ZooLights at the National Zoo!
December 20-24, 26-30
January 1
Dusk until 9 pm
Enjoy Zoo Tubing, the Zoo Choo-Choo, Snow Globe, Carousel, hot chocolate, and more!

Let the National Zoo help you celebrate the holidays with a bright night out.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Modern Family Christmas

Happy Holidays from our little modern family!
Becky, Lulu, and Lorea

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


There are few things on this planet that get me more excited than the thrill of my birthday.  In some sort of blissful alignment of the stars, I scored 10,  yes count them TEN, days off from work.  Usually the sound of a week and a half off from work would send me barreling toward the airport, but travel was not going to work out for me this year.  So I decided to have a staycation for my birthday... actually, I had a BIRTHSTAYCATION.

In order to have a successful birthstaycation, one must plan well in advance and invest in quality research to fill your days so that you don't end up watching reruns of Full House on TBS.  Luckily, I had some besties coming to town to help me out.
Cat & the DC bridesmaids- pre-birthday trip to Florida to see this lovely lady tie the knot then home with then brought the celebration back home.
Meg- flew all the way from Oregon to celebrate my actual birthday with me.  It takes a true friend to manipulate their work schedule and make it look like a coincidence.
Laura- a quick redline metro ride from Bethesda.
Kelly- rounding out the weekend to help me keep celebrating all the way from North Carolina.
Audrey- couldn't resist a reason to come to the city from SW Virginia.
Lo- roommate, friend, and equally as ridiculous about birthdays.

Here's how the week went:
Birthday tapas at One Lounge- I highly suggest the happy hour deals!
Happy hour at Fire & Sage- an unexpected treat with Meg post birthday shopping.  Because any time can be happy hour, but specials are from 4-7 pm.
Dinner at Ping Pong Dim Sum- come hungry, leave hungry.
Best burger in DC at Desperados followed by my neighborhood dive Stetson's.
Bottomless brunch at 14K Lounge.  Worth the groupon, don't go back at full price.
Climbing at Sportrock with my favorite climbing partner Kel.  Felt so good to ruin my manicure with gristle and chalk.
Birthday PARTY at Policy & Saint Ex.

The Year of Becky had its successes and "rainchecks" (we won't call them failures just yet, because every year is the Year of Becky), and ended with a bang.  This is shaping up to be one of the best years yet as I romance my new city, find some romance myself, make amazing new friends while nurturing some of the oldest, and gameface for life.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Absentee ballot

Election week is here and it could not be more welcomed in my house.  Time to start filibustering some legislation and stop the TV ads. By popular request, I'm showing you some of the best of my fall since you last saw me...

I celebrated Columbus Day by visiting the Reading Room of the Library of Congress.  The RR is only open to the public 2 days per year.  The other days it is a research library, full of people way more smart and motivated than I am.

A simple afternoon walk can easily turn into a tourist attraction in DC.  When you're surrounded by so much history and architecture, you have to take the time to stop and smile for the camera.

A cool fall day at the Jefferson Memorial.  Lulu discovered ducks in the tidal basin for the first time.  When she saw them again at Meridian Hill Park, she dove straight in after them.  

Great Falls is a fantastic destination for a day hike.  About 20-30 minutes from DC and absolutely beautiful scenery.  The parking lot can be a little crowded, especially on a warm, sunny day, but if you push your hike beyond the first couple of overlooks it gets much less busy.  We went on the Virginia side, but the Maryland side has lots of rock scrambling that looks like a lot of fun.  There were climbers setting up top ropes for a few easy climbs, which is definitely something for me to look into.

Work has been great!  It's a busy schedule and I think the grass is always greener on the other side of the pasture.  Some days I love sleeping until noon and having lazy mornings/afternoons while other days I hate that I miss out on the "normal people life" and happy hours/nights out.  I have gotten acclimated to the hospital and am starting to dive into more projects.

Halloween was great fun too, despite the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.  We faired pretty well in the District despite the grave forecast.

We are heading up on my favorite season... Birthday season!  It's going to be a busy week then I have ten days off for play.  I'm calling it my Birthstaycation.  Stay tuned.

Monday, September 3, 2012

All in the neighborhood

As Labor Day marks the end of summer and the start of fall (perhaps my favorite season), most Americans hit the grill for a neighborhood potluck.  I'm just hanging out in the neighborhood today before I head into work (an unfortunate oxymoron).  My friend Barack had to skip the potluck too because he's headed to my home state for a bigger party... the Democratic Party.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Happy birthday Lulu!

It's hard to believe I've had my little Lu for a year now and that she is 3 years old.  Everyone is surprised when they find out how old she is because she just emanates puppy on our walks in the street.

We celebrated her birthday (as well as the birthday of my aunt, grandmother, and mom) in Asheville last weekend with family, lots of love, and even more food.  Here's to many more great years together!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Red light, green light

Not your typical schoolyard game.  It's my new game for running in the city.  I'll explain it but first let me start with the basic rules of running.  In case you didn't know, I'm a pretty serious runner (please note I did not say talented runner).  I have 3 rules that I abide by:
1. No music.  It distracts you from the whole running process.  I use running as my quiet time to work out the problems/joys/questions/stresses of my day.
2. Don't stop.  Just an overlap from my days on the track team.
3. Never turn on your heel to go home.  I always make a loop in some way because I'm afraid that stopping and turning in the opposite direction seems like a wimpy move for a jogger who couldn't keep going.  I always leave my house without knowing which direction I will go that day and make up the route as I go.

Being in the city with the nation's worst traffic has presented new obstacles, especially when I have Lulu ready to run in front of a car because she doesn't understand traffic signals yet (we're working on "Don't walk" and "Walk sign").  So I have devised a way to keep with my rules and not be trapped by the ever-present red light.

-Leave the house with Lulu in tow.  She picks left or right out of the gate.
-Whenever there is a red light, you have to change directions to follow the green light.
-Every good American knows that yellow lights are for speeding up, not slowing down.  Therefore, walk sign timers ticking with 10 seconds or less require a sprint pace to make the yellow light.
-Crosswalks/stop signs on side streets are the ample opportunity to cross sides of the street.
-Try not to get lost.

Every day is different and I feel that I get to know a place much better on foot.  I feel pretty comfortable in my Dupont neighborhood.  As the fall comes and endurance kicks in, I'm looking forward to exploring the other neighborhoods in the area.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My apologies

It has been brought to my attention that since I moved to DC that I have been a terrible blogger.  I admit this and have one thing to say in response: Sorry I'm not sorry.

With the advice of my beloved cousin blogger (whose blog you should read instead because I've been having too much fun in my new life), here is a list of townie things I'm probably out doing instead of sitting at home blogging:
-Happy Hours in Dupont, U Street, Adam's Morgan
-Getting into the groove at Children's National
-Taking Lulu to play in Alexandria with her new BFF Marley
-Rooftop decking
-Pool stalking
-Celebrating holidays both legitimate and exaggerated (Independence Day, DC flag day, Pride, Bastille Day)
-Hosting out-of-townies
-Enjoying cooking for and bonding with my new roomie

As a testament to DC's traffic laws, I am no longer talking on the phone and driving (Yay!) so my neighborhood walks with Lu are my time for catching up.  Rest assured if you're not hearing from me as frequently that it means that I love it here, am being a safe driver, and it means the future blog posts will be filled with lots of fun details of city life.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Go 'Merica!

Celebrating Independence Day in our nation's capital was a truly unique experience.  With two hundred year old buildings lining the streets and tourists buzzing in multiple languages, it is easy to understand why DC is the place to celebrate the fourth.

I met up with a couple of friends on the National Mall and beat the heat in the shade of the Washington Monument until dusk.  The fireworks show over the Reflecting Pool was by far THE BEST FIREWORKS SHOW I have EVER seen.  My chest was booming and I kept whispering oohs and aahs as the bombs burst in air.

The only thing that was missing was my picnic on the lawn of the White House.  Barack must have lost my invitation in the mail.

Bex in the City

I have finally ARRIVED.  After six long months of anticipation and preparation I am now a DC resident and finding my way through the Capital City.

It is so clear now that I was meant to be in DC.  Disclaimer of gratitude: I could not have gotten here without my job and the people in Louisville, so I am thankful for that year of my life.  But now I'm moving on.

This place is hustling and bustling at all hours and I am in awe of how the residents are always moving, so well put together, and vibrant.  It's like a Mecca for young, attractive, ambitious twenty-somethings!  One week here has felt busier than one month in Kentucky.  I've seen museums, happy hour'd, held a refugee camp in my apartment after the power outages, seen old friends, made new friends, connected with alumni, spent an hour at the DMV without anything to show for it, and still there is so much left to do! 

The shock and awe of being a resident has not quite hit me yet.  I get a little ego boost every time I swipe my Smart Card at the metro because it makes me feel like a LOCAL.  I hope that feeling never wears off.  Someone asked me when I will know that I live in DC?...  My answer is this: When I've seen a change in seasons and Congress in session, when I say these things and really mean it, and when I get to show it off to all of my lovely visitors who are thrilled to have a friend to crash with in Washington.  Come visit!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A year in review: Louisville edition

What I'll Miss About Louisville, KY:
-the Frankfort Avenue train
-bourbon culture
-New2Lou and my favorite New2Louies
-horse racing at Keeneland and Churchill Downs
-the parks: Cherokee, Iroquois, Miles
-when it gets dark at 10 pm in the summer because we're so far west
-a great job with wonderful colleagues

What I'll Gladly Leave Behind:
-the worst pollen and seasonal allergies in the country in the Ohio River Valley
-terrifying thunder storms that are also a result of the Ohio River Valley
-never being able to find a recycling bin

Top 10 Louisville Experiences:
10. My many visitors
9. Getting Lulu
8. Train hopping
7. St. Patrick's Day festivities
6. Maker's Mark Distillery
5. Receiving a letter from the Mayor
4. Sunday Fundays
3. The RRG
2. The Moth
1. The Oaks & Derby

Truly Terrible Moments of the Past Year:
1. Leaving my keys in North Carolina.  It's STILL not funny.  The photo featured above is actually about 4 hours before I realized my keys were NC.

Love you Lou.

Happy friendiversary graduation!

Four years ago on this day, I met Meg for the first time.  We were instant friends and I have been so lucky to have a friend that embraces ridiculosity with the same passion that I do.  I have met my match in Meg and she has proven time and again what a special person she is.  Shoot, I popped out of a box for this girl last year!

So as we both close chapters in our lives and move on to new adventures, I take great comfort in knowing that Meg and I have a friendship that is going to carry us into our old age when we sit on hover rockers and reminisce on our younger years when we had all our teeth and our biggest worry was what the next kickball t-shirt design would be.  Love you Megly.  Happy 4th.

Sunset from Downtown

Sorry, I just couldn't resist.  This giant 50 foot golden statue of David just glistens in the summer sunshine.  Only Louisville would have the gumption to put this up on Main Street.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Old Kentucky Home

Ya'll, I'm starting to get sad about the idea of leaving Kentucky.  Though it started out rough, it has been a great year.  I was impatient when my friends told me that it takes a year to feel comfortable in a new place, build a community of friends, and feel settled in your niche.  Turns out, everyone was right.  And after a year, I'm really going to miss this place.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Why the Red River Gorge is the BEST climbing in the world

I've traveled the world to pursue one of my greatest passions: Climbing.  

I've been to Peru, New Hampshire, Washington, Colorado, West Virginia, Virginia, and many places in North Carolina (Looking Glass, Ship Rock, Ashboro, Pilot, Rumbling Bald)... But of everywhere I've been climbing, there is no place I love more than the Red River Gorge in Kentucky.  This is why...

For starters, it is serenely beautiful.  I have been climbing in every month but January in the Red and each month showed a changing season and beautiful weather.  Even mid-July had its perks because there is a great swimming hole right off Mountain Parkway just a few exits down from Slade.  If you know how to plan your trip right, you can find a face with morning sun and afternoon shade so that you stay cool in the warm months.  Likewise, knowing the rainy day locations is crucial.  My personal favorite rainy day spot is Chica Bonita in Pendegrass (plus it has my favorite route: Brown Eyed Girl 5.10b slab).

The Rock.  The Red River Gorge is varied depending on what area of the gorge you are climbing in.  There is wonderful sandstone with huecos, plates, cracks, overhangs, and my personal favorite, slab.  With tons of trad and sport climbing ranging from 5.4 to a 5.15a (Southern Smoke Direct) that was placed last fall, it doesn't matter what kind of climber you are, you can find a classic five-star route in the Red.  What's more is that each area is very different.  Muir Valley has the greatest access to the most variety and the Webers have done a wonderful job of protecting the land.  The local Access Fund has done a tremendous job in maintaining the area and keeping developers out.  New routes and first ascents are still being tackled every year so the area continues to grow.

The Red River Gorge climbing guide by Ray Ellington is phenomenal.  The map, directions, and ratings are for the most part spot on and he gives you the important details of any climbing trip in the Red like the top 10 classic routes, a checklist of routes, stats on the approach/weather/ratings at each crag, and quality pictures that make you want to be a model in the next volume.  It is totally worth the $35.  And yes, there is an app for that.

 Ale 81: Kentucky's take on ginger ale is a staple to the end of any good climbing day.  Rehashing the day's journeys through cruxes and red points would not be the same without sipping on an 'Ale eight' with your buds.  Part of the gorge is in a dry county so Ale 81 is all you can get at some places, but right down KY 31 from Miguel's you'll find the Beer Store with a giant "Welcome Rock Climbers" sign on the roof.  Eastern Kentucky is very economically depressed so the locals know that climbers bring revenue to an otherwise poor area.  They have embraced the climbing community and you feel the warm welcome as soon as you exit Mountain Parkway.

Miguel's Pizza.  The BEST camping, company, and cuisine in the Gorge!  Miguel opened up his little pizza shop a few decades ago and welcomed climbers to eat and sleep climbing on his property.  The make-your-own pizza hits the spot at the end of a hard day of climbing.  When I started coming to the Red in 2007 it was just a small house with a big backyard of tents.  Miguel has since expanded into the adjacent field and built a large bath house complete with token showers (Hallelujah!), an industrial kitchen, washer/dryers, and dining area.  You'll meet new people from the world over that heard about this climbing Mecca and are looking to share the beta.

Kentucky is good people.  Let me explain.  On my first trip to the Red, we met some "good ol' boys" who were climbing with us at The Shire.  They prayed prior to climbing and were very friendly and welcoming.  When my buddy left his brand new $100 shoes at the crag, the G.O.B's drove all the way to Miguel's to deliver them because they knew that's where we were staying.  Their generosity saved the trip.  Likewise, after moving to Louisville, I met my new climbing partners when chit-chatting with strangers in Muir Valley and come to find out that one guy lives three blocks from me.  Instant friends.  Last week I just met some guys from DC who gave me the skinny on the climbing community in the city.  And the cherry on top of the cupcake was when a stranger approached me and asked if I was Becky... Err, yes, I am.  She was from NC and reads Local Townie.  Small worlds collide in Kentucky.

So you see, there is a reason that climbers flock from all over the world to experience the Red River Gorge. It's because it feels like home.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday Funday

Instead of saying goodbye to the weekend, push through and keep the party alive before succumbing to the inevitable workweek.  Here are a few pics from a few of the most recent Sunday Fundays and the New2Louies I enjoy them with.
 A round of frisbee golf at Iroquois Park means 18 holes of me getting par* for the course while the pups run out their energy in the woods.
*Becky rules: Simply finishing a hole is a good showing for my frisbee skills so I figure that it counts as "par" to get my frisbee in the metal bucket.

 Brunch with a menu consisting of my classic scrambled eggs, Johnny's XXX coffee, hibiscus sweet tea & bourbon, summer berries, and a good Sunday morning playlist.  Mobilize to Cherokee park for a hike on the trails while Lulu chases chipmunks.  And finish off the day with a local artisan festival.

Backyard barbeques with steaks, grilled veggies, PBR beer bread, and a shotgun... or two.

Sunday Funday INDEED.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Buy Local First

Today's Buy Local First festival was a great way to meet the locals and feel like I should quit my day job and be a crafty artist.  It was like real-life Etsy with creativity bursting out of every tent.  If you missed the event and want to see the local artisans at work, just check out the list of vendors.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Smile Friday

Found on Petersen Ave in Crescent Hill.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I like my coffee how I like my friends...


Here's the best places to get a good brew in town:
-Vint: my personal favorite due to their exotic selection of fair trade coffee from around the world and fantastic outdoor seating.  They also give Lulu a treat every time we come!
-Nancy's Bagels: a great quick breakfast option.  Lu and I walk by every day and wave at the bakers in the window.
-Heine Bros: a Louisville staple.  They're a great local company dedicated to sustainability and outreach.  Try Ronda's blend named for one of the sweet daughters of a Kosair nurse-- it's a little spicy, just like her.
-Highland Coffee Company: a great cafe to sit and work in, whether you're trying to be productive or just want to people watch in the Highlands, you'll definitely find something to do.
-Cafe Classico: perfect for the after dinner cafe.  The Roma is a favorite and it comes with a little cookie.
-Quill's Coffee: the best take home beans
-Day's: good luck getting an outdoor seat, but it's worth the wait if you can score one.  Day's is the perfect launching point for a day on Bardstown Rd.
-Blue Dog Bakery & Cafe: The heart of Crescent Hill and the best fresh baked goods in town.  Don't even think of JUST ordering a coffee... you'll want a scone to go with it!

You know you're from Louisville if

-You chuckle at people that pronounce "Louisville" the way it's spelled.
-A fleur de lis decorates any part of your car, home, or body.
-Your beverage of choice was produced less than an hour from your house.
-Your living room floor is littered with out-of-townies for the Derby who are unaware that they will not actually see any horse races that day.
-You know the shortcuts downtown to avoid Bridge traffic.
-You avoid Indiana altogether.
-Seeing men that look strangely like 'The Dude' is commonplace.
-You have made an insurance claim in the past year due to softball sized hail or fallen trees.
-You laugh at the puny Fourth of July fireworks in comparison to Thunder Over Louisville.
-The excuse of "I got caught by the train!" has ever worked to get you out of a work tardy.
-You stay at home when the University of Louisville plays the University of Kentucky.
-91.9 WFPK stays on your radio at all times and you use the station to make your weekend plans!
-Asking "Where did you go to school?" refers to high school.
-Restaurant week means you've cleared your evening schedule for the next 9 days.
-Deciding to meet friends at the park means a ten minute discussion of which in town park to go to.

But most importantly, you know you're from Louisville if any of these things (or ones not mentioned) give you warm, fuzzy feelings inside.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Here's to all the ER nurses who convinced me I'm not dying after medical Web sites convinced me I was.
Happy Nurse Appreciation Week!
xoxo, your friendly Louisville Peds ER nurse practitioner

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Derby in Review

In case you didn't know, horse racing is a big deal in Kentucky.

And despite the warnings about the chaos in the Infield, I dressed impeccably.  Nothing but class.

The Oaks almost didn't happen because of a torrential thunderstorm.

But NOTHING could spoil our fun.  

Derby at the Downs is the biggest event I have EVER seen.  Two hundred thousand spectators from the world around and I barely even saw a horse the entire day.

New2Lou ladies representing Louisville's finest twenty somethings.

And the men.

Stay around long enough and there's always a door that opens... Sometimes it's the door to the track and you get to stand on it.  Apparently Muhammad Ali was the last one to make it happen... Until ME.

And even if all your horses come in last...

At the Derby, we're all winners!